2010年10月30日 星期六

澳洲自由行十天九夜-第4篇 ﹝第四天﹞

   不久,到了龍柏動物園,我們先去售票亭買票,買完票後,大家就帶著興奮的心情進入了動物園,園內有許多稀奇的動物,例如:鸚鵡、袋鼠、火雞、無尾熊等,有一隻鸚鵡還會一直說"ha man 、ha man"真厲害!後來,我們有去抱無尾熊(就是付錢抱無尾熊園方還會幫我們拍照,只是蠻貴的,我們兩家商量後,決定一起拍照。之後又在園內逛了一會兒,叔叔就帶我們去吃午飯,吃飽後,叔叔就開車載我們去他家住(車程要三、四個小時),過了那漫長的三個小時,我們到了經疲山,大家就到那裡的超市休息一下,我還有在那邊吃冰淇淋呢!
On the third day, we wake up the morning after the uncle took us to Brisbane to play man-made beach, by the way where to eat breakfast, we eat "Subway" in the submarine sandwich while you play the sand, we have a sand castle with a glass cover it! Everyone in the side of having all the fun, but All good things come to an end, we still have to go. While we walked beside a pond, I accidentally turned down to a pool! Really unlucky it! I had to change ㄧ harm clothes, and then we went to the zoo to see koalas Cypress went!
Soon, to the Cypress zoo, we went to buy a ticket kiosks, purchase tickets, everyone with excitement into the zoo, the park has many curious animals, such as: parrots, kangaroos, turkeys, no tail bears, but there is a parrot will always say "ha man, ha man" really amazing! Later, we have Qubao koala (koala zoo is paying will hold to help us take pictures, but very expensive, our two conferred and decided to take a picture. And later took a stroll in the park, uncle to take us to lunch, a meal, my uncle drove us to His home (by car to three or four hours), after the long three hours, we went to the mountain by the tired, we went to thereSupermarkets break, I still eat ice cream in there!
After the break, we continue to set off, and had more than an hour, when I was about to fall asleep, finally to Hervey Bay's uncle, when there have been seven more! Uncle called pizza come for dinner, we ate pizza with soft drink, was so delicious! After not long, we take a bath on their teeth, sleep!


1 則留言:

  1. "Subway"還好你沒翻譯成對岸的名稱,這裡我就不多說,詳細名稱請問你爹去。"經疲山(Gympie,pronounced /ˈɡɪmpi/)"則是翻譯的很好-"經"過那座山就會很"疲"憊。Well done.


